I am a compiler of lists, and here is one that I have had going, off and on, for some time. It is a work in progress but I am publishing this version now with the intention of improving it gradually.
I was compelled to collect this stuff for a couple of reasons. One was the Chambers Dictionary giving ALL Australian etymologies as [Aboriginal], rather than listing separate languages, while having different etymologies for native North American words - Algonquian, Chinook, etc. The other spur was someone's remark that when a country is invaded, as this one was, all the linguistic traffic is one-way. Although to a great extent this is true - many languages gradually disappearing, even when the people themselves have not been killed - it is also the case, at least in Australia, that many of the fauna and flora were completely new to the invaders and that it therefore made sense to use existing names. But you will quickly see that not all these words relate to plants and animals; there are man-made artefacts and religious concepts too.
My main source has been the Macquarie Dictionary, 3rd Edition, but there are many other publications that have provided material of one kind and another. Most of the etymologies in square brackets are from the Macquarie and I suppose I will attempt to indicate otherwise where appropriate, though I may have lost the previously known references.
This is Part One of the list, the initial letters A to K.
Notes: SMH refers to the Sydney Morning Herald. NIM means "not in the Macquarie".
I am a compiler of lists, and here is one that I have had going, off and on, for some time. It is a work in progress but I am publishing this version now with the intention of improving it gradually.
I was compelled to collect this stuff for a couple of reasons. One was the Chambers Dictionary giving ALL Australian etymologies as [Aboriginal], rather than listing separate languages, while having different etymologies for native North American words - Algonquian, Chinook, etc. The other spur was someone's remark that when a country is invaded, as this one was, all the linguistic traffic is one-way. Although to a great extent this is true - many languages gradually disappearing, even when the people themselves have not been killed - it is also the case, at least in Australia, that many of the fauna and flora were completely new to the invaders and that it therefore made sense to use existing names. But you will quickly see that not all these words relate to plants and animals; there are man-made artefacts and religious concepts too.
My main source has been the Macquarie Dictionary, 3rd Edition, but there are many other publications that have provided material of one kind and another. Most of the etymologies in square brackets are from the Macquarie and I suppose I will attempt to indicate otherwise where appropriate, though I may have lost the previously known references.
This is Part One of the list, the initial letters A to K.
Notes: SMH refers to the Sydney Morning Herald. NIM means "not in the Macquarie".
alcheringa - Dreamtime – (in Aboriginal mythology) the time in which the earth received its present form and in which the patterns and cycles of life and nature were initiated [Aranda: lit., in the dreamtime, from altyerre dream + -nge ablative suffix meaning ‘from’]
aldoo (?)
ampwey – Acacia acradenia – (from Qld EPA site)
amulla (?) - a shrub, Myoporum debile, with an ovoid, pinkish-red fruit, growing on grassland in warmer parts of Australia. (? No etymology Macquarie)
balanda [from Malay?]
baldoo – an annual herb, Atriplex lindleyi, family Chenopodiaceae, of drier parts of Australia, where it and other saltbushes provide much of the food for grazing animals. (No etymology in Macquarie)
ballart – any species of the Australian parasitic schrubs or trees of the genus Exocarpus, characterised by an enlarges succulent pedicel, and fruit which is edible in some species. Also, ballee, ballot. [Wembawemba balaad]
balloo - the Macquarie says this is another name for a garfish, but there is no etymology, as often happens when it refers the reader to another head word. Also ballahoo.
bangalay – a tree, Eucalyptus botryoides, family Myrtaceae, of NSW and eastern Victoria, groweing near the coast, and yielding durable red timber; bastard mahogany. [Dharawal]
bangalow – a slender palm tree, Archontophoenix cunninghamiana, of NSW and Queensland, sometimes growing in clumps in areas near the coast; piccabeen (cf). Also, bangalow palm. [Dharawal]
banyalla - a small tree, Pittosporum bicolour, of NSW, Tasmania and Victoria, growing in wet forest gullies, and yielding a hard, durable wood; cheesewood, tallowwood. (No etymology in the Macquarie)
bardi grubs – bait for Murray cod – Weekend Aust. Magazine 10-11/12/05 p39 But perhaps Bardistus??????
barramundi – 1. a large, silvery-grey food fish of excellent quality, Lates calcarifer, found in coastal rivers and estuaries of tropical northern Australia and the Indo-Pacific; giant perch. 2 Also saratoda, sarotoga. A primitive freashwater fish of genus Scleropages of northern Australia. [Central Queensland language] (But what of saratoda? Etymology?)
bauple = bopple = macadamia nut
belah – a tree, Casuarina cristata, of dry temperate eastern Australia, forming an important part of the vegetation in some inland areas. [Wiradjuri bilar]
bendee – a tree of Queensland and the Northern Territory, Acacia catenulata, which grows in stony, shallow soil and which has a deeply fluted trunk. [? Qld language]
bendo – Eucalyptus exserta – Qld EPA site
berley - 1. any bait, as chopped fish or broken bread or chopped green weed mixed with sand, thrown into the water by fishermen to attract fish. 2. colloquial vomit, resulting from seasickness. 3. Colloquial leg-pilling; good humoured deceit. 4. verb to throw berley (on the water) to attract fish. 5. To use berley to attarct fish. Also burley, birley. [Origin uncert] - Macquarie. Chambers says: Berley or burley (Austr) n bait, groundbait; leg-pulling, humbug. (colloq.) [Origin unknown] So much for the dictionaries. I would guess that if this is regarded as an Australian word then it must have entered the local vernacular early during Sydney's settlement, if perhaps unrecorded and simply on the lips of those fishing the harbour. I wonder what the earliest known references are. This remains ??
berrin-berrin - Merops ornatus
berley - 1. any bait, as chopped fish or broken bread or chopped green weed mixed with sand, thrown into the water by fishermen to attract fish. 2. colloquial vomit, resulting from seasickness. 3. Colloquial leg-pilling; good humoured deceit. 4. verb to throw berley (on the water) to attract fish. 5. To use berley to attarct fish. Also burley, birley. [Origin uncert] - Macquarie. Chambers says: Berley or burley (Austr) n bait, groundbait; leg-pulling, humbug. (colloq.) [Origin unknown] So much for the dictionaries. I would guess that if this is regarded as an Australian word then it must have entered the local vernacular early during Sydney's settlement, if perhaps unrecorded and simply on the lips of those fishing the harbour. I wonder what the earliest known references are. This remains ??
berrin-berrin - Merops ornatus
bettong – a short-nosed rat-kangaroo of genus Bettongia. [Dharug badang]
biggada – Macquarie says = wallaroo, but no etymology
bilby – either of the rabbit-eared bandicoots of the genus Macrotis, of the regions west of the Great Dividing Range: 1. the greater bilby, Macrotis lagotis; dalgyte. 2. the lesser bilby, Macrotis leucura, now thought to be extinct; yallara; pinkie. [Yuwaalarraay bilbi]
billabong - 1. a waterhole in an anabranch, replenished only in flood time. 2. a waterhole in a river or creek that dries up outside the rainy season. 3. an abandoned stream channel. [Wiradjuri Li. a watercourse which runs only after rain, from bila river + -bang] But see bung
biltjie ??
bindi-eye – 1. one of any number of plants of the genus Calotis which have small burrs with fine barbed awns; jo-jo. 2. NE a plant, especially Emex australis or Soliva pterosperma, having many hard, sharp, spiny seeds at ground level. Cf bullhead, California puncture weed, caltrop, cat’s eye, double-gee, three-corner jack. Also bindi, bindy-eye. [Kamilaroi and Yuwaalarraay bindayaa]
binoomea – dark places, Jenolan Caves
bogghi – 1. the handpiece of clippers used in shearing sheep 2. the shears themselves 3 = stump-tailed lizard. Also boggi, bog-eye, bogi. [origin unknown; ? Wiradjuri: lizard]
bogong moth – an Australian noctuid moth, Agrostis infusa. Also bogong, bugong moth, bugong. [Ngarigo bugong]
bolly gum - Litsea reticulata ??
bolly gum - Litsea reticulata ??
bolwarra – a shrub or small tree, Eupomatia laurina, found in forests of eastern Australia. (No etymology in the Macquarie)
bombora – 1. a submerged reef of rocks. 2. a dangerous current over a reef. [? Dharug; said to be the name of a current off Dobroyd Head, Port Jackson]
bondi – a heavy Aboriginal club. [? Wiradjuri and Kamilaroi bundi]
boobialla – any of several species of Myoporum, especially M. insulare which is often grown as a hedge. [Oyster Bay language bubiala]
boobook – a small owl or mopoke, Ninox novaeseelandiae, brownish, with white-spotted back and wings and large dark patches behind the eyes; widely distributed in Australia, New Zealand and adjacent islands. [Dharug (imitative)]
boodie – a burrowing rat-kangaroo, Bettongia lesueur, formerly widespread on the Australian mainland but now confined to four islands off the western coast of Australia; Lesueur’s rat-kangaroo; tungoo. Also, boodie rat. [Nyungar burdi]
boomerang – 1. a bent or curved piece of hard wood used as a missile by the Aborigines, one form of which can be thrown so as to return to the thrower. 2. a scheme, plan, argument, etc, which recoils upon the user. 3. Colloquial that which is expected to be returned by a borrower. 4. Colloquial a dishonoured cheque. 5. to return to, or recoil upon, the originator. 6. returning, rebounding. [Dharug buminary]
boonaree = boonery
boonery – Alectryon oleifolius. Macquarie: a small, native fodder tree, Heterodendrum oleifolium, of inland Australia. Also boonaree. [? Kamilaroi bunari]
boongary = Lumholtz’s tree kangaroo. A stocky, greyish marsupial, Dendrolagus lumholtzi, found in mountainous forest areas of north-eastern Queensland, having long, powerful forelegs, a long, cylindrical, non-prehensile tail, and a distinctive white band above the eyes. [Warrgamay bulnngari]
boonjee fig ?? – Ficus destruens
booral = geebung (Persoonia falcata)
boori – also boorie. An Aborigine. [Wiradjuri and neighbouring languages buray boy, child]
booyong – (white booyong, brown tulip oak) a large tree, up to 45m, of subtropical rainforest, Argyrodendron trifolatum, of the Sterculiaceae. Range from Port Macquarie, NSW, to PNG and Kalimantan. Brisbane Rainforest Action and Information Network site says the name is from northern NSW.
bora – 1. a special Aboriginal initiation rite. 2. Also bora ring a scared piece of ground where certain initiation ceremonies are performed by the Aborigines. [Kamilaroi buura; lit. a place of initiation, from buur initiation rite, initiation bell + -a (locative case)]
borak – Colloquial ridicule: ‘Don’t go poking borax at the dead,’ remonstrated Mumma. – Ruth Park 1949. Also borac, borack, borax. [Wuthawurung burag no, not]
boree – Acacia tephrina. Macquarie: any of several wattle as the weeping myall, the bastard myall and the Acacia cana of central and northern Queensland. [Wiradjuri and Kamilaroi buri]
brigalow – Acacia harpophylla, extending over northern NSW and Queensland. The brigalow, country where brigalow is the main vegetation. [? Kamilaroi burigal, from BOREE + plural suffix –gal]
brolga – a large, silvery-grey crane, Grus rubicunda, of northern and eastern Australia which performs an elaborate dance as part of a courtship display; native companion. [Kamilaroi buralga]
budda – a small tree, Eremophila mitchellii, of drier inland areas of NSW and Queensland. Also, buddah, desert sandalwood, false sandalwood. [Yuwaalarraay badha]
budgeree – Obsolete Colloquial good; fine. [Dharug bujari good, right]
budgerigar – a small yellow and green parakeet, Melopsittacus undulates, of inland regions of Australia, that has been widely domesticated and bred in many coloured varieties. Also budgerygah. [? Mispronunciation of Kamilaroi gijirrigaa]
budgeroo – Lysicarpus angustifolia (not in Maq)
bugeen – an evil spirit, devil. Also buggeen. [? Wiradjuri bagiiny, ? or British dialect bugan evil spirit]
bugong = bogong
bullich – Eucalyptus megacarpa. Also bastard karri [Not in Maq – Nyungar?]
buln-buln – 1. ring-neck parrot (also mallee ringneck parrot) - a medium-sized parrot, Barnardius barnardii, predominantly green with dark blue back, red forehead and a narrow yellow band at the neck, found in open inland areas of south-eastern Australia. 2. lyrebird – either of two ground-dwelling birds of south-east Australia , the superb lyrebird, Menura novaehollandiae, and the Albert lyrebird, M. alberti, noted for their fine loud voices, powers of mimicry and the spectacular displays of the males during which they spread their long tails, thought to resemble a lyre. Also, bullen-bullen, bullan-bullan [Wuywurrung bulin bulin probably imitative]
bulwaddy - a tree of northern Australia, Macropteranthes kekwickii, which forms impenetrable thickets. Also bullwaddy, bullwaddie, bullwaddee. [? NT language; or bull (as in BULL OAK) + WADDY]
bundy – any of several species of Eucalyptus, especially E. goniocalyx, a rough-barked tree of south-eastern Australia. [Dharug bunda]
bung – Colloquial 1 Obsolete dead 2 not in good working order; impaired; injured 3 (of an eye) infected, especially when the lids are swollen shut or stuck shut with mucus, as with sandy blight or bung-eye – phrase 4 go bung a to break down; cease to function b to fail in business; to become bankrupt [Yagara bang dead]
bungarra – WA – 1. Gould’s goanna a large, varanid lizard, Varanus gouldii, of brownish colour and of slighter build than the common goanna or lace monitor. Also sand goanna, ground goanna. 2. any large goanna [Macquarie, no etymology, but note WA]
bungum worm – SA colloquial – slimy (def. 5) [Macquarie, no etymology]
bungwall – a fern, Blechnum indicum, found especially in swampy lands along the coast of NSW, Queensland and the Northern Territory, the rhizome of which is an important Aboriginal foodstuff. [Yagara bangwal]
bunji – Aboriginal English a friend; mate [origin unknown]
bunya – a tall, dome-shaped coniferous tree of Australia, Araucaria bidwillii, bearing edible seeds. Also bunya-bunya, bunya-bunya pine. [Yagara bunya-bunya, bunya]
bunyip – 1. an imaginary creature of Aboriginal legend, said to haunt rushy swamps and billabongs. 2. Obsolete an imposter. [Wembawemba (Wergaia dialect) banib]
burgan ? – Kunzea ericoides formerly known as Leptospermum phylicoides
burramys – the mountain pygmy possum, Burramys parvus, known only in fossil form until mid 1960s, very rare and restricted in habitat to Mount Hotham, Victoria. [? Aborig. burra-(burra) place of many stones (referring to the rugged area where the fossils were first discovered) + Greek mys mouse]
burrawang – any native, palm-like plant of the genus Macrozamia, especially M. spiralis, having nuts which were once a part of Aboriginal diet; zamia. [Dharug barawang]
burrida – a claypan, a salt lake – WA (north of Shark Bay? – found on a website or similar)
cadagi – a tropical and subtropical tree, Eucalyptus torelliana, with large roundish leaves and smooth green trunk. Also cadaga. (? Aboriginal Macquarie)
callop - golden perch, Murray perch, yellowbelly, Macquaria ambigua. [Aborig. (? SA language)]
callop - golden perch, Murray perch, yellowbelly, Macquaria ambigua. [Aborig. (? SA language)]
cananga ?? – Cananga odorata
carbeen - Eucalyptus papuana, more frequently (and according to the Macquarie) E. tesselaris (the Moreton Bay ash), though now renamed Corymbia tessellaris. [Kamilaroi and Yuwaalarraay gaabiin]
carradhy – “a ‘clever man’, ritual punishment man, hit man sanctioned under tribal lore…” (various definitions) (NIM – SMH 1.11.03) Sydney languages?
chowchilla – either of two birds: 1. northern chowchilla, a ground-dwelling bird, Orthonyx spaldingii, with a resonant call, which inhabits rainforests in north-eastern Queensland. 2. southern chowchilla, a ground-dwelling bird, Orthonyx temminckii, chestnut in colour mottled with black and white, which inhabits temperate or subtropical rainforests in NSW. [Imitative]
chuditch –Dasyurus geofroii, the western quoll [Nyoongah – Perth Zoo website]
cobbera – Maq – the head (Dharug), though web doc. -1846? – has pastor answering survey saying natives have plenty of opossum, fish and cobbera – a worm (1m long) near Kempsey (delicious raw or cooked, promotes appetite following illness) coberra?
colane – a tree, Owenia acidula, of the western plains of NSW and Queensland which bears edible subacid fruit; gruie. (And eldin and uroka) [Wiradjuri galayin emu apple]
comten - Tasmanian devil (letter The Australian 24.1.05)
congolli - noun a small marine and freshwater fish, Pseudaphritis urvilli, entering southern and eastern Australian rivers; tupong; marble fish; freshwater flathead; sand trout. [origin uncertain]
congolli - noun a small marine and freshwater fish, Pseudaphritis urvilli, entering southern and eastern Australian rivers; tupong; marble fish; freshwater flathead; sand trout. [origin uncertain]
cooba – any of several species of the genus Acacia, native to Australia, especially A. salicina, a pendulous and mainly riparian species, native willow, willow wattle. Also coobah, couba. [Wiradjuri gubaa]
cooboo – WA - a baby, especially an Aboriginal baby. [? Yindjibarndi kubu small]
cooee - 1. A prolonged clear call, the second syllable of which rises rapidly in pitch, used most frequently in the bush as a signal to attract attention. 2. To utter the call 'cooee'. {Dharug guwi come here]
coondoo - Mimusops elengi. Also, Tanjong tree. [Not in Macquarie]
collabah = coolibah
coolamon – a basin-shaped wooden dish made and used by the Aborigines. [Kamilaroi gulaman]
coolibah – a species of eucalypt, Eucalyptus microtheca, common in the Australian inland and usually associated with areas subject to occasional inundation. Also coolabah. [Yuwaaliyaay (northern NSW language) gulabaa]
coolie – 1. the male partner of an Aboriginal woman. 2. (plural) the Aborigines. [Wembawemba guli man]
coori = Koori
corella - either of two large Australian parrots, the little corella, Cacatua sanguinea, and the long-billed corella, C. tenuirostris, having predominantly white plumage tinged with pink or red and, in the latter, more definite orange-red markings. [Wiradjuri garala]
cowal – Qld – a small swampy depression typically found in red-soil country. [Kamilaroi guwal gully]
cudgerie – any of several trees, as Flindersia schottiana, a large tree of the Australian rainforests with a big woody fruit capsule, or the blush cudgerie, Euroschinus falcatus, so called because of the pink colour of its wood. [Bandjalang gajari]
cumbungi – any tall, marsh plants of the genus Typha; bulrush; flag. [Wembawemba gamgang]
cunjevoi – 1. a hastate-leaved perennial herb of the Arum family, Alocasia macrorrhizos, native to Asia and the Pacific Islands as well as Australia, where it is common in rainforest and along coastal river-banks; its poisonous rhizomes were rendered harmless by cooking and eaten by the Aborigines. 2. Also cunje. A common, Australian, littoral tunicate, Pyura stolonifera, popular as a fish bait; sea squirt. [? Bandjalang]
currajong = kurrajong
currawong – 1. any of several large black and white or greyish birds of the genus Strepera, with solid bodies large pointed bills, yellow eyes and loud, ringing calls, found in many parts of Australia. 2. a small tree, Acacia doratoxylon, found on dry ridges in inland eastern Australia. 3. any of certain similar species of the genus Acacia. [? Yagara garrawang]
dalgyte = bilby (def. 1). Also dalgite. [Nyungar dalgayt]
dama = tammar
dargawarra – one of the indigenous Australian placental hopping mice, Notomys alexis; spinifex hopping mouse. [Macquarie – Aborig.]
dawurrga – Mammea touriga, the brown touriga – appears on a list of Ngadjonji words, from the Ngadjon of north-east Queensland. (The ground seed used to trap scrub turkeys.)
dibbler – a dasyurid marsupial, Parantechnicus apicalis, of the Albany region of Western Australia; thought to be extinct but rediscovered in 1967. [Nyungar dibala]
dillybag – 1. any small bag for carrying food or personal belongings. 2. a bag made of twisted grass or fibre, used by Aborigines. Also dilly. [Yagara dili coarse grass or reeds, a bag woven of this]
Djangadi - a language from the Macleay River NSW
djella - NIM - Australian lungfish
Djangadi - a language from the Macleay River NSW
djella - NIM - Australian lungfish
djelwuck – a tall shrub or tree, Hedycarya augustifolia, found in or near rainforest in eastern Australia, native mulberry. [Macquarie no etymology]
doubah – a slender, twining plant, Leichhardtia leptophylla, widely distributed throughout Australia. [Macquarie no etymology]
dugite – a medium-sized, venomous snake, Pseudonaja affinis, of central and western areas of Australia, related to the common brown snake. [Nyungar dukayj]
eldin - [not in Macquarie] = gruie = uroka - Owenia acidula
eumung – any of several species of the genus Acacia, as A. Stenophylla of inland eastern Australia. Also, eumong. [? Aborig. says Macquarie]
euraba - ?? = eurabbie??
eurabbie – a tree found in Victoria and NSW, Eucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostata, with striking waxy bluish juvenile foliage and white flowers; blue gum. [Macquarie no etymology]
galah – 1. a common small cockatoo, Cacatua roseicapilla, pale grey above and deep pink below, found in open areas in most parts of Australia. 2. Colloquial a fool; simpleton. [Yuwaalarraay gilaa]
gang-gang - a greyish cockatoo, Callocephalon fimbriatum, of south-eastern Australia, the male of which has a red head and crest. [Wiradjuri gang gang (imitative)]
gardiya – whitefella (not in Macquarie)
geebung – 1. any shrub or tree of the genus Persoonia. 2. the small succulent fruit of this tree. 3. (sometimes cap.) Obsolete a rough and uncultivated Australian. [Dharug jibung] (jibbongs?)
ghilgai = gilgai
ghittoe – either of two species of trees, kerosene wood (Halfordia scleroxyla) of northern Queensland, or greenheart (Halfordia kendack) of Queensland and NSW, both of which provide strong, resilient timber which is known as saffronheart. [Dyirbal and Warrgamay jidu]
giddee giddee – Abrus precatorius
gidgee – 1. a small gregarious Australian tree, Acacia cambagei, which gives off an unpleasant odour at the approach of rain; stinking wattle. 2. any of certain other species of wattle as the poisonous georgina gidgee, Acacia georginae. 3. a long spear made from gidgee wood. Also gidya, gidyea. [Nyungar giji]
gilgai – a natural soil formation occurring extensively in inland Australia, characterised by a markedly undulating surface sometimes with mounds and depressions; probably caused by swelling and cracking of clays during alternating wet and dry seasons; crab-hole country. Also ghilgai. [Wiradjuri and Kamilaroi gilgaay waterhole]
gilgie = jilgie Also gulgie.
goodoo – Murray cod, Maccullochella peeli. (WAust 10-11/12/05 and a website Goodoo Dreaming) see bardi grubs – also mewurk, ponde
goom – Aboriginal English methylated spirits, especially used as a drink. [? Yagara gung freshwater, alcohol]
goona – Aboriginal English faeces. Also guna, kuna. [from several languages]
goondy – an Aboriginal hut or gunyah. Also goondie. [Wiradjuri and Kamilaroi gunday stringybark, a hut made from this]
goongadji – Aboriginal English = gunjie
gruie = colane = eldin?= uroka? Owenia acidula
gub, gubbah
gub, gubbah
guenda ?
gulgie = jilgie
guna = goona
gundabluey – a species of wattle, Acacia victoriae, of inland Australia. [Macquarie no etymology]
gundy = gunyah. Also goondie. [Yuwaalarraay and Kamilaroi gundhi house]
gunjie – Aboriginal English a police officer. Also goongadji. [shortened form of gunjabal, from a 19th century Aboriginal pronunciation of CONSTABLE]
gunyah – 1. an Aborigine’s hut made of boughs and bark; humpy; mia-mia; wurley. 2. a small rough hut or shelter in the bush. Also gunya. [Dharug ganya house, hut]
gunyang = kangaroo apple – either of two shrubs, Solanum aviculare and S. laciniatum, which have berries which are edible when completely ripe, but contain the toxic alkaloid solanine when immature. [Ganay gunyang]
gwardar - a venomous snake, Pseudonaja nuchalis, of western and central Australia, related to the common brown snake. [Macquarie no etymology]
gwardar - a venomous snake, Pseudonaja nuchalis, of western and central Australia, related to the common brown snake. [Macquarie no etymology]
heliman – bark spear shield. ‘Origin of the heliman or shield of the New South Wales coast Aborigines’ T. Dick 1915 - proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales. [no etymology found]
humpy – 1. a temporary bush shelter used by Aborigines. 2. any rude or temporary dwelling; a bush hut. [Yagara ngumbi]
jarrah – a large tree of Western Australia, Eucalyptus marginata, with durable dark red timber. [Nyungar jarily]
jerran – Obsolete afraid [Dharug jiran]
jerry-jerry – a small shrub, Ammannia multiflora, family Lythraceae, widespread in Australia. [Macquarie no etymology]
jibbong – Obsolete = geebung
jila – waterhole - Sandy Desert – ABC-TV Kurtal: Snake Spirit
jilgie – SW an Australian freshwater crayfish, of the genus Cherax. Cf clawchie, crawchie, craydab, crayfish, lobby, lobster, marron, yabby. Also gilgie, gulgie. [Nyungar jilgi]
jillara ? – Buchanania arborescens
kadaitja - 1. a malignant spirit; feather foot. 2. a. a mission of vengeance. b. the ritual accompanying this. The Macquarie also lists: kadaitja magic - magic carried out by the kadaitja man; pointing the bone.
kadaitja man - in some traditional Aboriginal cultures, a man who sets out to take vengeance, either at the request of his community or on his own initiative, on someone accused of injuring another by magic.
kadaitja shoes - in certain central Australian Aboriginal tribes, shoes made of human hair, string and emu feathers, matted with human blood, worn by a man who has been chosen to avenge the death of someone (every death being supposedly due to the magic influence of some enemy) so that his footsteps may not be traced. Also kurdaicha, kadaicha, kaditcha, goditcha. [Arrernte gwerdayje]
kadaitja man - in some traditional Aboriginal cultures, a man who sets out to take vengeance, either at the request of his community or on his own initiative, on someone accused of injuring another by magic.
kadaitja shoes - in certain central Australian Aboriginal tribes, shoes made of human hair, string and emu feathers, matted with human blood, worn by a man who has been chosen to avenge the death of someone (every death being supposedly due to the magic influence of some enemy) so that his footsteps may not be traced. Also kurdaicha, kadaicha, kaditcha, goditcha. [Arrernte gwerdayje]
karalla – the common wedge-pea, Gompholobium huegelii, of south-eastern Australia. [Macquarie no etymology]
karkalla – 1. a prostrate succulent plant, Carpobrotus rossii, of southern Australia. 2. pigface; any succulent herb of the family Ficoidaceae, especially species of the genus Carpobrotus, which have large showy daisy-like purple, pink or white flowers and succulent fruit. [Kaurna kargala]
karri – a rapidly growing western Australian tree, Eucalyptus diversicolor, family Myrtaceae, valuable for its hard, durable timber. [? Nyungar karri]
katoora – Sporobolus actinocladus
kerrawang – any shrub of the genus Rulingia, family Sterculiaceae, found in south-eastern Australia. [?]
kookaburra – either one of two Australian kingfishers renowned for their harsh voices and call resembling human laughter. 1 Also laughing kookaburra the large, dark brown and white common kookaburra, Dacelo gigas, native to eastern mainland Australia and introduced into western Australia and Tasmania; giant kingfisher; ha-ha duck; laughing jackass; settler’s clock; great brown kingfisher. 2. a slightly smaller bird with a paler head, the blue-winged kookaburra, D. leachii, of tropical northern Australia and New Guinea; barking jackass; howling jackass. [Wiradjuri gugubarra (imitative)]
kooloo-loomoo – Enchylaena tomentose – (Koori – but what ref. was that?)
“Enchylcena tomentosa. R. Br. (CHENOPODIACE/E.) Native name of Cloncurry, ‘Kooloo-loomoo’. A small, spreading, tender, perennial shrub, growing all over the plain country on the Flinders. About 2 feet high, frequently growing under the shade of other trees. Numerous fine fleshy leaves 1 inch long, pale green. Fruit, a red berry, small and flat, quite sweet, but not numerous; eaten raw. This is one of the salt-bushes.”
(On Plants Used by the Natives of North Queensland – Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of NSW, 1883)
kootchar – a small sweat bee which has no sting, Trigona australis. [Bundjalung guja]
kopi (cap) – see The Captioner No 117
kowari, mulgara, kaluta, ningaui, dunnart, kultarr (all from Qwen & Pemberton 'Tas. Devil' p55
kullingal - Eucalyptus pruinose or is that pruinosa?
kultarr – a small carnivorous marsupial, Antechinomys laniger, which inhabits the central desert of Australia and re3sembles the jerboa, though it does not hop. [? Yitha-yitha]
kurrajong – 1. a tree, Brachychiton populneus, widespread in eastern Australia, where it is valued as fodder. 2. Any number of species, mostly in the families Sterculiaceae and Malvaceae, as Hibiscus heterophyllus, green kurrajong. Also currajong. [Dharug garajung fishing line, applied to the tree from whose bark fishing lines were generally made]
kwila ? – Instia bijuga, Johnstone River teak
kylie – a boomerang having one side flat and the other convex. Also kiley. [Nyungar karli]
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